Saturday, April 2, 2011

Peanut Butter and Jelly!

OK, Kellen....if you are reading this someday, you'll chuckle a little to know that TODAY you had your FIRST peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!  It is such a huge staple of a child's diet...but I have not wanted to give you jelly--it's just ALL SUGAR!  I will make a point of getting healthier "spreadable fruit" that isn't straight sucrose.  You loved it though...and made a nice neat mess.  You wonder...How can one make a nice "neat mess"?  Well, obviously there was peanut butter and jelly all over your face, arms, hands and high chair tray...but is was easily cleaned.  None of it made it into your hair or clothes.  That's what I call a "neat mess"!!  You tend to do're a very "neat messy" boy.  Except of course when it comes to your diaper...and THAT'S a different story you probably don't want to hear.

Today also brought me another moment closer to my "Mom of the Year" award.  You know how I LOVE my coffee, right?  Well, I brewed a nice, fresh cup and put it on the nightstand in the bedroom adequately far enough from the edge so you couldn't get at it.  BUT, I put it on one of Daddy's police stuff magazines...which you brilliantly pulled toward you so that you could get at the nice hot coffee.

Fast forward to me hearing your screams and me running into the bedroom where you are walking down the hall crying and still holding the mostly empty cup of coffee.  Oh poor baby!!  Fortunately, it wasn't THAT hot, and you stopped crying pretty soon after I picked you up.  I think the worst part was the coffee all over the carpet.  So, then after you were consoled, I grabbed the carpet cleaner and started cleaning.  I was adding more carpet cleaner into the spray bottle when you decided it looked tasty...stuck your fingers into the stream pouring from the big bottle and proceeded to put your fingers in your mouth.

REALLY??? Seriously????

It's amazing that I got through this day without killing you OR you killing yourself.  Let's not do that, ok?  You're pretty much my most favorite person on EARTH, so I'd like to keep you around.  I'm just gonna have to be a little smarter than you from now on.

Tomorrow I'm going to put the tree swing I just got you up in the tree in the front yard.  Very excited about it!!  I'm pretty sure you're going to love it!  I also need to do some research on baby swimming lessons at the Plano rec center because of your intense interest in any body of water--especially fountains, pools, or even fountains IN pools.  With summer coming up and with Grandma and Grandpa Gephart's pool beckoning you so fervently...we need to prevent you from drowning.  Like I said...we really love you...want to keep you around.